Entrepreneurial Spirit

2 min readJan 2, 2023

I accidentally manifest small things. A random day off or a few hundred dollars. But I don’t believe that saying something creates it. If that were true, everything I have ever written would be available for your viewing pleasure.

While working my day job as a manager, I went to a branch of my bank to get change. Someone left a receipt in the machine. My brain had a quick conversation with my subconscious about increasing abundance, expectations and financial grace. I told myself that whatever that ATM receipt balance is, I would try to manifest within a year.

I acknowledge this is a crazy challenge for a million reasons. One, I don’t play the lottery. Two, I was in a branch with a private banker. Three, there’s a high probability of failure.

But asking questions is always a great way to start.

A decade ago, at a day job, I watched women write large checks for spa services and personal training sessions. I asked myself, “What would it take to become the person whose name is on that check?” Within five years, I owned a 9000 sq facility and I’d manifested it.

But today, I am not a small business owner. I’m testing new waters. We just started a short term rental investment endeavor. I may reopen my copywriting business. And I’m still thinking of apps and ideas that could bring us real money. I guess I haven’t lost my entrepreneurial spirit even though I’m grateful to have ended my brick and mortar business.

There’s obviously a part of my brain and spirit that’s grateful but also bored with a job (just over broke).

The number on the receipt was $39,660.10 in a checking account. I know my financial planner friends would say that’s ridiculous. It should be earning interest, yada… But I spent the day basking in the notion of having 40k extra.

So, we’ll see what — if anything — happens between now and the end of 2024.

Oh, and just in case the universe is listening, I always have new scripts and nonfiction projects to sell you.

