F@&k — These Real Housewives Are Real People

2 min readMay 19, 2022

I am Bravo obsessed. I don’t regularly watch the Kardashians, but I’ve seen enough episodes and media coverage to know most of the key players.

When Kim was robbed at gunpoint, the news broke into all circuits of my life. Footage of someone in Ye’s camp yanking him offstage during a performance and whispering the news to him. Los Angeles and the world were astounded. My family lives in a LA suburb, and we drive past the wealthiest exits on the 101 highway often.

Kim tried to humanize herself with the robbers… like in a movie! No, nothing like a movie. Even though it happened to Hollywood celebrities/rock stars, I reminded myself that this is real life. When Kim came face to face with French speaking robbers, she asked the concierge — who was under duress and being held hostage — to translate for her as she begged for her life.

Once she surrendered to the notion of being killed, she thought of her sister who would find her dead body and be permanently traumatized. As Kim was preparing to exit this Earth, she also prayed for her sister. Somehow, she made it out alive. Her foresight, vision and courage is an admiral combination.

Recently, I went through a similar set of emotions regarding Dorit Kemsley on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She heard a robber tell another to kill her. Somehow, she navigated herself and her two sleeping babies out of this horrific situation — alive and unharmed!

What I don’t understand is why so many people question Dorit. They’ve come up with their own insurance scams theories. I’m not suggesting that wealthy people can’t be liars and crooks. Sometimes, “celebrity” seems to surpass “human being” in the eyes of fans.

Maybe I have more empathy because of what happened to me while I was in high school. Thugs shot up my house and threw molotov cocktails. Thankfully, no one was harmed. But I learned that you don’t have to be a dope dealer for the 90s drug war to make its way to your door.

Yes, I know that Kim lies about a lot of stuff including, allegedly, her origin story to fame. The Kemsleys may owe millions in back taxes. Last time I checked, you can owe the IRS and still get jacked. And Dorit’s accent may or may not be fake. But I believe her account of this crime.

I believe victims don’t have to be perfect to be victims.

